CodyCross Planet Earth Group 18 Puzzle 2 Answers

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Planet Earth Group 18

Planet Earth Group 18 Puzzle 2 Answers :

A comparison, similarity
A person with the inability to feel touch
A trip from one place to another
Age of __, series of history based strategy games
Animal or creature that strikes fear
Baltic nation, Finland's southern neighbor
Coastal algae such as bladderwrack
Cocker, pamper
Cocks have crests, bulls horns and deer __
Comfy bed covering carried around for comfort
Comic actress who was part of the SNL cast
Comic actress who wrote Mean Girls screenplay
Converted into encrypted form
Edible fish or shellfish from the ocean
Edible item or items from the ocean
Get hold of something and make it your own
Gloria __, biggest star of the silent movie era
Google's Linux-based operating system
Insurance risk manager
Intestinal infection from insanitary conditions
Large venue used for sporting events
Man who guards a nightclub door
May torture your feet
Not a synonym
Open source smartphone OS that's quite popular
Pirate known as the Prince of Pirates
Polar opposite of a synonym
Red Badge of __, Civil War novel by Stephen Crane
Short curtain piece hung on edge of canopies
Shrubbery grown in lines to outline a garden
Sociable, genial, friendly
Steadfast Tin __, fellow loves a paper ballerina
Temporary problems
Three boneheads, slapstick legends
Types includes Swedish, shiatsu and deep tissue
Venue used for outdoor sports
Weapon shell launched and guided to target
William __, Bible translator burned at the stake

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Puzzle 3

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